

choose wordpress for websiteThere is often a misconception that WordPress is simply a blogging platform. That is certainly how it began, but WordPress today is much more. It is a complete and comprehensive content management system (CMS), full featured and adaptable to any type of website or online business, and quite affordable, with a strong community backing it.

Here are 8 reasons why successful businesses use WordPress for their websites

1. WordPress is Easy to Use, Install and Get Around

Many people complained before WordPress that their existing CMS systems and website platforms were too complicated. You will never hear that being said about WordPress. This is because it is relatively uncomplicated. Beginners can learn how to set up a website and basic elements in it in a short time. Those without any knowledge of programming language can easily get by with a standard WordPress documentation or “how to” article.

2. It is Incredibly SEO Friendly

SEO is key for any website, and WordPress developers have made sure that nearly 80 to 90 percent of SEO mechanisms are taken care of by the system itself. For more advanced control over SEO, there are a number of compatible plug-ins available, to choose from.

3. It is Highly Flexible

Besides blogging, WordPress can be used by e-commerce companies, for creating a customized WordPress website, to create magazines or photo galleries etc. Governments use it to create their official websites, news platforms use it as their CMS, artists, photographers and writers use it as online portfolios for their work. The ways in which WordPress can be used are endless.

4. WordPress Offers a Great Spectrum of Themes and Plug-ins

A theme is the general appearance of your website. Beginners can choose from a wide variety of existing free or paid themes to create beautiful websites, while developers can customize existing themes to meet requirements or build one from scratch. Plug-ins are add-on features (mostly free, though some plug-ins are paid and come with advanced features) that you can add to increase the list of what you can do with your website, such as adding calenders, complex galleries, forums, social networking, spam protection and forms among others.

5. It Has a Strong Built In Support Network

WordPress is open source, which means that it is free to download and use, and there is a large community of people that can build great features for WordPress and add their knowledge to it. It also means that when you face some difficulties, you have a large community of volunteers to turn to for help and support. There are numerous tutorials and blog posts available for your use as well.

6. WordPress Is Adaptable

Your WordPress website for business can be as big as you need it to be. As your needs evolve from a simple blog to complex e-commerce websites, WordPress will continue to be able to support your website. For an e-commerce website, you do not need to pay hundreds of dollars or more for a fancy shopping cart chock full of features, when WordPress lets you set up a simple PayPal option and sell products. There are no upfront fees and small businesses can benefit greatly by cutting down on overheads.

7. WordPress Can Be Hosted By Many Inexpensive Providers

One click hosting of WordPress is provided by many web hosts, as the platform has become more familiar and popular with businesses and individuals. This means that there are endless inexpensive hosting options to choose from. You no longer have to depend on the one host that has you pay $50 a month.

8. WordPress is a Simple CMS System

This means that you can easily create, edit and publish your posts with WordPress, without any knowledge of programming languages needed. It is easy to make quick changes and updates without you having to wait for your WordPress designer to free up some time for you. For instance, if you find an error in spelling or content, you need to simply click on the relevant post on your dashboard, make the changes and publish.

WordPress also lets users engage with your website through the built in comments section, and there are a number of other benefits that it offers as a CMS that you will discover once you create a profile and get started!